With Christmas right around the corner I just keep thinking about all of the amazing things in my life. More and more each day I am reminded of how very blessed I am. I have a wonderful support system of people who love me and I am SO grateful for them :) I have beautiful friends who are going to change the world some day I just know it. Kristen and Kate are heading off to Africa in January to serve and meet needs a continent away. Elayna just got a job in El Paso, TX where she will be using her gift of language to serve with Americorps for a year. Virginia is working on raising money for a homeless shelter that is greatly needed in our area. So many beautiful people that support me in everything that I do!!! Passionate people who are living it out by giving back. In addition to my amazing friends I have a supportive family. No matter how many times I change my major or how many crazy thing I decide to do (like Biking across the country with Kelly!!!!!!!!!!) they love and support me. I have also been blessed with the world's best cat. Not to brag or anything but my cat not only listens well, he also does tricks like a dog :) Totally awesome I know. I have a wonderful group of life group girls as well. They are so eager to grow in the Lord and share their lives with each other. It is so very refreshing. On top of all of these great people all of my basic needs are met. I have adequate food, clothing and shelter. I live America, land of the free and home of the brave. I am blessed no matter how you look at it. This Christmas I find myself so grateful for the life that I have been given and so grateful for all of the opportunities in my future! Dec. 29th is my first Bike and Build spaghetti dinner!!!!!!!!!! I am so very grateful to Marlene Dyke for all of her hard work and preperation for this event and I am PUMPED to see all of my 1st Allendale CRC people :):):) AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH life is good!!!!! Bike and Build is going to be awesome!!!!!!! I am blessed.