Spring Break has given me a lot of time to just sit and reflect on all of the things in my life and so naturally the shelter has been on my mind a ton. Full to capacity and placed in a position to make tough decisions I find myself overwhelmed and asking, "How can we save more?" or " What can I do to ensure that we don't have to loose anymore?" Then the answer comes to me, usually as a slap in the face, this time as a gentle reminder. I stumbled across this beautiful story and it has reminded me of some very important lessons. http://luckydogrescueblog.blogspot.com/p/rudys-story.html
Rudy's story brings me back to my first love. To the dog that would forever change my life. To the dog that captured my heart and awakened my soul in one glance. To Hoss.
Reading Rudy's story brought me back to the basics. It has inspired me to tell the story of Hoss, the very reason that I am an animal rescuer and pit bull advocate today.
It was a normal week day. i had just gotten out of class and decided that I didn't want to do homework right away. So I headed to the local animal shelter, a recently discovered treasure :) After arriving I immediately went to the dog kennels and did my usual walk through. I like to walk through the kennels and see everyone before I visit with any one dog. I like to share the love. On this particular day I was walking along handing out treats as usual when suddenly I saw him. A fawn and white tank, muscles rippling at the shoulders and chest. At first glance his muscular stature combined with his confident stance was very intimidating, but then I looked into his beautiful bronze eyes. I got lost in those eyes and I knew from that moment on I would love him. All of his physical characteristics said "hey watch out, I'm a big tough pit bull." but his eyes they said something far different. His eyes said, "please don't judge me, just love me." Over the next few weeks I would stop in every day and spend hours with him after class. No one else ever visits him and often times I would overhear people talking about how scary or mean he was. This infuriated me to no end. They didn't know him like I did they judged him on his outward appearance. They didn't spend time walking him along the tree line or playing fetch in the back yard. They didn't give him belly rubs until he fell asleep in their laps. They, like the majority of Americans, judged him because of his breed, not his character.
Hoss's story doesn't end happily. An intimidating pit bull who doesn't do well with other dogs in a shelter full to capacity ends up at the top of the euthanasia list. Losing Hoss was one of the hardest things that I have ever had to do but I know that it happened for a reason. That dog opened my eyes to the injustices of breed stereotypes. He planted a seed that would grow into a passion for bully breeds everywhere. He is the reason that I do what I do. That dog taught me so much about love and friendship, loyalty and compassion and i owe it to him to pass those lessons on to others, animal and human alike. This is why I will continue to fight to save every animal that I can. And I know that I can't save them all but Hoss has taught me that I should never stop trying. And for those, like Hoss, that don't have happy endings I smile because I know that I loved them and they mattered to me, no matter how short our time was together here on this Earth. I guess in a nutshell Hoss taught me one of the most valuable lessons of my life, love until it hurts and then love more.